Add a Usage Example#

If you want others to use your new functionality, it isn’t really done until you document how to use it. Let’s do that now. This will ensure that users know how to use your code, and it will give them something to try after they install your plugin to convince them that it’s working. I generally find that I’m the first person to benefit from my documentation, and in some cases I’m also the person who most frequently benefits from my documentation (e.g., if it’s code that I write for my own purposes, rather than something I intend to broadly disseminate).

QIIME 2 provides a framework for defining usage examples for plugins. Usage examples are defined abstractly, rather than based on a specific QIIME 2 interface, and QIIME 2 interfaces can define usage drivers that know how to translate those abstract definitions into instructions for their application through a specific interface. For example, the framework contains a usage driver for the Python 3 API, and therefore can turn abstract usage examples into a series of Python 3 commands. q2cli contains a usage driver that translates abstract usage examples into a series of shell commands. And q2galaxy contains a usage driver that turns examples into text-based instructions for running them through Galaxy. So, by writing a single usage example, your documentatation is targeted toward users with different levels of computational expertise, and as new interfaces become available you don’t need to update your usage examples for users to be able to work with your examples through them. This is one way the framework supports our goal of meeting users where they are in terms of their computational experience, and it’s one of the big benefits that you as a plugin developer gets by developing with QIIME 2.

In this section of the tutorial, we’ll define a usage example for our nw-align action.


The full code that I developed for this section can be viewed here: caporaso-lab/q2-dwq2.

Defining a usage example for nw-align#

Usage examples work on actual data that you define when you create the usage example. This allows users to run your usage examples, explore the input and output, and confirm that things work as expected before they try your plugin on their own data. This also allows you to have your usage examples automatically tested every time your run your test code, which lets you make and honor a commitment to your users that the documentation you provide will work, because you can automatically run all of the usage examples you define with a single command after every change you make so you’ll be the first to know if anything is broken.

So let’s start by defining data for use by our nw-align usage example. This is done by creating a function that returns a QIIME 2 artifact that is used as an input in the example.

Define input data for your usage example#

Start by creating a top-level file in your module called Mine will be called q2-dwq2/q2_dwq2/ Add the following code, and then we’ll work through it.

import tempfile

import skbio

import qiime2

from q2_dwq2 import SingleRecordDNAFASTAFormat

def seq1_factory():
    seq = skbio.DNA("AACCGGTTGGCCAA", metadata={"id": "seq1"})
    return _create_seq_artifact(seq)

def seq2_factory():
    seq = skbio.DNA("AACCGCTGGCGAA", metadata={"id": "seq2"})
    return _create_seq_artifact(seq)

def _create_seq_artifact(seq: skbio.DNA):
    ff = SingleRecordDNAFASTAFormat()
    return qiime2.Artifact.import_data("SingleDNASequence", ff)

Our goal here is to define two “factory” functions - one for each of nw-align’s SingleDNASequence inputs - that each return an artifact of class SingleDNASequence. These functions will be used when we define our usage example, and because of how usage example definitions work, these functions can’t take any parameters as input. Because both of these functions will do similar work under the hood, I am also creating a helper function that creates a SingleDNASequence artifact from an skbio.DNA object. That lets me avoid duplicating code.

The factory functions I defined here are seq1_factory and seq2_factory. Each creates an skbio.DNA object, and then passes that to my helper function, _create_seq_artifact.

_create_seq_artifact takes an skbio.DNA sequence object as input. Internally, it creates a SingleRecordDNAFASTAFormat object which is assigned to the variable ff (for file format). Our sequence is written to ff.path (i.e., the file format’s path object, which we cast to a string) using seq.write. In the final step, we use qiime2.Artifact.import_data, which allows us to import data in a similar way as if we were calling qiime tools import through q2cli (incidentally, qiime tools import calls qiime2.Artifact.import_data, under the hood). We provide the artifact class that we want to import into, and the file format (ff) that we want to import from, and we get a QIIME 2 artifact back. That artifact is returned by the helper function, and in turn is returned by the factory function that called it. 🛠️

This may feel like a lot of work to define data to use in an example, but it provides a lot of flexibility in how the usage example you define can ultimately be used. For example, it allows some usage drivers to actually create these inputs (for example, a usage driver that is going to be used to test the examples), while another usage driver can just act as if they were created but not bother taking the time to actually create them (for example, usage drivers that are displaying examples in command line help text but not executing them).

Defining the usage example#

Next, we define a usage example as a function that takes a UsageDriver subclass as input. We often call the input use, by convention, but you can call it anything. This function starts by instantiating two sequence artifacts using the factory functions that we just defined. It then defines the relevant action call, which in our case will be to the dwq2 plugin’s nw_align action. It also assigns the inputs, and provides a name for the output.

This usage example is using default parameter values, but you could addionally pass parameters to the action in this usage example, or add a second usage example that does that which you also associate with this action.

The following code in my q2-dwq2/q2_dwq2/ file defines the usage example:

def nw_align_example_1(use):
    seq1 = use.init_artifact('seq1', seq1_factory)
    seq2 = use.init_artifact('seq2', seq2_factory)

    msa, = use.action(
        use.UsageInputs(seq1=seq1, seq2=seq2),

Registering the usage example#

Finally, we’re ready to register the usage example. For this, we’ll go back to the file.

You should first import the new usage example function by adding the following line to your imports at the top of the file:

from q2_dwq2._examples import nw_align_example_1

Then, in the call to plugin.methods.register_function, you should add an examples parameter, to which you can provide a dictionary mapping example names to usage example functions. These names (i.e., dictionary keys) will be displayed with the usage example in some interfaces. To do this, adapt your call to plugin.methods.register_function as follows.

    examples={'Align two DNA sequences.': nw_align_example_1}

That completes the definition and registration of our nw-align usage example.

Displaying usage examples#

In this section we’ll work through some user-facing commands that allow you or your users to view your usage examples. First, and most straight-forward, is to do this through q2cli. If you call your action with the --help parameter, you will now see the usage example at the bottom of the resulting help text.

Command line interface#

$ qiime dwq2 nw-align --help
Usage: qiime dwq2 nw-align [OPTIONS]


  # ### example: Align two DNA sequences.
  qiime dwq2 nw-align \
    --i-seq1 seq1.qza \
    --i-seq2 seq2.qza \
    --o-aligned-sequences msa.qza

You can test this command by having QIIME 2 write the example data we defined to file using the following q2cli command:

$ qiime dwq2 nw-align --example-data usage-example-data/

After generating the example data, run the usage example as described in the help text providing the example data as input and confirm that it works as expected.

Python 3 API#

As mentioned above, the abstract nature of our usage example definition enables it to be interpreted by different usage drivers, enabling the same example to be presented as it would be used through different interfaces. Open an ipython shell in your development environment, and try the following:

from qiime2.plugins import dwq2, ArtifactAPIUsage

examples = dwq2.actions.nw_align.examples

for example in examples.values():
    use = ArtifactAPIUsage()

This should display how to run this example through the Python 3 API. Try it out with the same example data that you generated above (you can use qiime2.Artifact.load to load the example files into QIIME 2 artifacts to be provided as input to this call to nw_align).

import qiime2.plugins.dwq2.actions as dwq2_actions

msa, = dwq2_actions.nw_align(

Automated testing of usage examples#

Finally, it’s a good idea to have your usage examples run as part of your test suite, as a way to assess if any future changes you make to your code break the usage examples you defined. To do this, create a new test file in your tests directory. Mine is called q2-dwq2/tests/ Add the following code to that file:

from qiime2.plugin.testing import TestPluginBase

class UsageExampleTests(TestPluginBase):
    package = 'q2_dwq2.tests'

    def test_examples(self):

Save the file, and run make test. That will now run this additional test, which uses TestPluginBase.execute_examples to discover and run all of the usage examples defined in the plugin. You should see output like the following:

$ make test


===== 15 passed, 25 warnings in 15.06s ======

This code tests that the usage examples ran successfully, but importantly it does not test that any output they produce aligns with expected output. It is possible to additionally check the output of these examples, but that doesn’t replace the need for unit tests. Unit tests tend to be more expressive and useful for testing your plugin’s functionality, while automated usage example testing is a good way to assess the validity of your documentation. If you’d like to learn more about testing specific output that you get from running your usage examples, refer to the Writing Usage Examples How to guide.

Writing tutorials#

Usage examples provide users with guidelines on the specific commands they can run to use your plugin, but they don’t provide a lot of context. It’s a good idea to also write tutorials that describe what your plugin is intended to do, how and why to use it, and how to interpret the results. Ideally the tutorial also provides a small data set that can be analysed quickly on a modestly powered laptop computer. I credit a lot of the popularity of QIIME 1 and QIIME 2 to its tutorials and to our support forums.

Writing tutorials is out of scope of this document for now, though we may add a How to article in the future that discusses writing and automating testing of tutorials. As a general recommendation though, I highly recommend writing your tutorials using Jupyter Book, which is what Developing with QIIME 2 is written with. It’s very feature rich, easily deployed with GitHub Actions, and it makes it straight-forward to create nice looking documentation. Diataxis is also great reading material on how your tutorials can be structured, and if you get excited about writing documentation (it’s fun!) the Write the Docs community is a group of like-minded folks.

Happy documenting! đź“ť

Optional exercise#

Add a usage example for your summarize visualizer.

Need some hints?

For your example data, you can use the output generated by the nw-align usage example that we created here. If you export that artifact, you can find the data in the format you’ll need to create it in your factory function. You can also find the artifact class that you’ll need to use in your qiime2.Artifact.import_data call using the qiime tools peek command.