Distribution Development

Distribution Development#


This Part of DWQ2 is in early development, and currently provides references to relevant content in other Parts of Developing with QIIME 2. Weโ€™re open to feedback on the ideas presented here, and some technical details may change as the ideas develop.

You donโ€™t need approval from existing QIIME 2 developers to create and distribute your own tools, such as plugins or interfaces, that build on QIIME 2. This is the beauty of plugin-based, interface-agnostic architecture: new functionality or new ways to use that functionality can be introduced by anyone, removing bottlenecks or gatekeepers between developers and users. Customized QIIME 2 distributions can also be created and shared by anyone.

As of this writing (23 April 2024) we are redesigning our approach to helping you share and promote your QIIME 2-based tools. Distribute plugins on GitHub provides an example of how you can currently share your plugin with users, and we are actively working to expand that functionality to make it more useful for developers and users. We also discuss more general ideas on sharing QIIME 2-based tools in Publicize your QIIME 2 plugins (or other QIIME 2-based tools).

As our support in this area improves, this Part of Developing with QIIME 2 will be expanded to describe new functionality.